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Why Invest With Us?

What We Believe

Everyone is working hard for their money, and it is our belief at Haven Valley Properties that your money should be working just as hard for YOU.


In fact, we chose our name “Haven” not only because we want to provide our tenants with a haven by creating quality rental housing, we also want to be a financial haven for your hard-earned dollars. A place you can invest knowing that your money will grow quickly, safely and consistently, allowing you to live your busy life while continuing to build wealth for you and your family passively.


We believe everyone should benefit from the power of investing in real estate, however we understand not everyone has the time or desire to be a landlord, manage tenants or deal with property issues as they arise. By working with us, you will be taking advantage of the profits from investing in real estate while we handle the daily operations and management of your investment.


We focus on buying multi-family properties in the Ottawa Valley using solid economic fundamentals and creative strategies.  We also have processes and systems in place to ensure the acquisition, renovation, tenant placement and property management are always handled professionally and effectively.


We work with a team of experts including mortgage brokers, realtors, lawyers, and accountants, and are coached by one of the top 1% investors in Canada. We would not expect others to invest with us if we were first not willing to invest in ourselves.


Think of real estate as a vehicle to help get you where you really want to be. It can create generational wealth and provide security for retirement, fund family vacations, kids sports activities or simply create more financial freedom in your life. Ultimately, real estate investing is just the tool for you to live the life you’ve always dreamed of, and we are here to help make that dream a reality.

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